How to Add Mail Domain and Mailboxes
Creating a mailboxes
To create a new mailbox go to “Mail” on site.

Click “+ New Mailboxes” to add a Mail Domain.

In the window that opens fill in the following fields:

After the Mail Domain is added, Click “Mailboxes“

Click “New mailbox“

Fill in all required fields:
- Login – email account name. If your email address should look like you only need to enter “test” in this field
- Password – enter your password or generate it automatically by clicking “generate“
- Quota(MB) – the maximum size in megabytes of the contents of the mailbox. If the value is set to zero, the mailbox size is not limited
- Aliases – alternative names for a specific email account. An email sent to the alias will be received by the original mailbox. You can set multiple aliases for one email account.
- Redirects (optional field) – if a redirect is set for the account, emails sent to the main address will be automatically redirected to the specified address in this field. You can set Multiple redirects for one email account.

How to log in your email accounts
There are three ways to log in your email account:
- URL Link
Browse in your browser to access the mail.
- Directly via Roundcube
Click “Open Roundcube Web client” and enter your login and password in the opened window.

- Instant access
Click the corresponding icon in the line of your email account: